Monday, February 27, 2012

Diigo Tag Roll

Journal 2

Ferguson, H. (2010). Join the flock. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(8), 12-15.
Summary: Join the Flock is an article about creating and utilizing professional learning networks.  The author explains the benefits of building a professional learning network, also known as PLN.  The first benefit is that professionals are coming together to assist in each other’s research and learning.  Rather than ‘learning’ on our own, professionals are able to turn to other professionals for assistance.
Professional learning networks take time but the amount of time one dedicates is very flexible.  One way to be sure that your time is used effective is to create an interest list.  It is important to include interests in the bio section of the twitter account because other people will be able to ‘follow you’ based on similar interests.  This helps people connect who have similar ideas and interests.  Professionals can also ‘watch’ from a distance and not ‘say’ a word on Twitter.  By having a list of ‘followed’ people allows professionals to watch the conversations without feeling the need to directly interact.  
Question: I have often viewed Twitter in a negative light.  Have people used Twitter for classroom purposes?  I wonder how students would react to the idea of Tweeting for a homework assignment.  Just like any innovative teaching strategy, I am certain students utilizing Tweeting as a means of homework brings excitement and a little uncertainty.  I believe, as a middle school teacher, educators would encounter similar issue with Twitter as one would with a typical type an assignment.  There are certain kids who would love the idea of Tweeting and excel utilizing it, whereas other students would struggle.  For some families, having a computer creates an issue.  Just like at school, some students’ personalities would over power others.  All in all, I think it could be a great teaching tool AFTER a long lesson is completed on cyber-bullying and how to communicate appropriately via the cyber world. From the teacher’s perspective, I see this as a wonderful opportunity for the teacher to ‘sit back’ and watch the kids interact with one another.

McClintock Miller, S. (2010). Enhance your twitter experience. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(8), 14-17.

Summary:  The overall objective of this article is to expose people to twitter and enhance their twitter experience. The author provides 'baby steps' for people use so they can become familiar and comfortable with using twitter.  First, a person can 'observe' other people's tweets without commenting because it can be an overwhelming feeling of 'putting yourself out there.' After feeling comfortable with being a part of the tweeting community, start posting comments such as, 'great idea.'  This provides the feeling of participate yet does not give too much exposure.  Exposing yourself would be the next step.  If you find an article or participate in an interesting activity, one can post about it.  The last step to increasing your tweeting confidence involves tagging your tweets.  By using (#) sign, also known as a hash tag, allows the stream of educators to follow your tweets.  Some example hash tags are: #teachers and #educators. Once a person is hash tagging their tweets, some may become addicted to it!  Enjoy!

Question: Where do educators find the time to tweet?  I, personally, take one day at a time.  With all the paperwork that is included with being a special education teacher, meetings, lessons, and how can I forget having a personal life, how does one have the time?  I feel if teachers use tweeting int he classroom, we as educators will only be expected to work at night in order to monitor the students' status and posts.  I love my job but won't ever do that because I love my personal life also. 


Monday, February 6, 2012

Journal 1: 100 Things that make ME HAPPY!!!

  1. Family
  2. Wine
  3. Danee'
  4. Pizza
  5. football
  6. Saturdays
  7. Summer
  8.  The color GREEN
  9.  teaching
  10. sunny days
  11. beaches
  12. getting my hair washed at the salon
  13. having a pet dog
  14. 539 West Magnolia
  15. memories with my friends
  16. Ana
  17. Kyra
  18. Graham
  19. My mom
  20. My dad
  21. fruit
  22. running
  23. thunderstorms on a hot summer night
  24. romantic comedies
  25. dancing
  26. champagne
  27. taking pictures
  28. photography
  29. cheese steaks
  30. Philadelphia Eagles
  31. Wii
  32. learning
  33. reading a great book
  34. love stories
  35. family reunions
  36. Christmas
  37. Mary
  38. camping
  39. Wildwood 
  40. Atlantic Ocean
  41. Pacific Ocean
  42. Sam's Pizza
  43. My Dog Skip
  44. Frank Sinatra's voice
  45. making wishes on the first star
  46. rustic elegance
  47. pearls
  48. laughter
  49. massages
  50. shopping
  51. cards
  52. hugs
  53. The Fire House
  54. organizing
  55. making dinner for someone special
  56. the future
  57. finishing my level 2
  58. St. Patricks Day
  59. mint chocolate chip ice cream
  60. positive thinking
  61. poetry
  62. riding a bike
  63. mountains
  64. the feeling of the first snow fall
  65. the feeling of the first warm spring day after a long cold winter
  66. The last day of the school year
  67. vacations
  68. saying hello to someone special for the first time in a long time
  69. star gazing
  70. having four older brothers
  71. decorating Christmas trees
  72. surprises
  73. impromptu get-a-ways
  74. dark chocolate
  75. field hockey
  76. Jack Johnson
  77. New York City in December
  78. watching the sunset
  79. vegetable sandwiches
  80. filet Mignon
  81. monkeys
  82. Motown
  83. choloate chip cookies still warm from the oven
  84. traveling
  85. reading non-fiction
  86. teaching
  87. my wedding day
  88. Sean
  89. babies
  90. cleaning
  91. changing of the seasons
  92. jumping into a pile of leaves
  93. wearing dresses
  94. Target
  95. knitting
  96. making crafts
  97. sushi
  98. happy hour
  99. fall
  100. spring